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Caring for you: Mental Health resources

Caring for you

As we are all understandably going through a time of anxiety and stress, we at HWI would like to provide you with some resources to help you. Here are a few links for resources for you to care for yourself during this time. Always remember to breathe. 

Mental Health Resources


  • ACEs Aware is an initiative led by the Office of the California Surgeon General and the Department of Health Care Services to give Medi-Cal providers training, clinical protocols, and payment for screening children and adults for ACEs.
  • COVID-19 Stress Management Resources:
    • Providers on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Considerations
    • Workforce and Organization Resilience  
    • Resources for Providers to Share with Patients
    • Crisis Lines
    • General Resources Providers Can Share with Patients on Buffering Toxic Stress (Adults and Families/Children)
    • Educational Webinars for Providers
    • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Resources

Employee Assistance Program

You may have heard about EAP but aren’t sure what it is. EAP is a service available to you and members of your household at no extra cost. It’s designed to help you with everyday problems and questions, big or small. No need to fill out paperwork or make an appointment to speak with an EAP staff member. Just call 800-999-7222 or visit You’ll be connected in an instant, and we’re here 24 hours a day, every day, to help you.

EAP Flyer

Psychological First Aid

The approach to helping others with emotional distress during a disaster/traumatic event, from a Psychological First Aid perspective, is to help reduce initial distress.  The eight Psychological First Aid Core Actions include:

  • Contact and Engagement: To respond to contacts initiated by survivors, or to initiate contacts in a non-intrusive, compassionate, and helpful manner.
  • Safety and Comfort: To enhance immediate and ongoing safety, and provide physical and emotional comfort.
  • Stabilization (if needed): To calm and orient emotionally overwhelmed or disoriented survivors.
  • Information Gathering on Current Needs and Concerns: To identify immediate needs and concerns, gather additional information, and tailor Psychological First Aid interventions.
  • Practical Assistance: To offer practical help to survivors in addressing immediate needs and concerns.
  • Connection with Social Supports: To help establish brief or ongoing contacts with primary support persons and other sources of support, including family members, friends, and community helping resources.
  • Information on Coping: To provide information about stress reactions and coping to reduce distress and promote adaptive functioning.
  • Linkage with Collaborative Services: To link survivors with available services needed at the time or in the future.