PPE & 3D Masks resources (Updated 8/6/2020)
This is information is posted for interest only. HWI does not endorse any particular maks, specifications, or pattern.
It is advised to contact your local health department or hospital.
Article: A cluster-randomized trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers
Los Angeles Based Companies
Mayor's Office of Economic Development
- This website from L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti’s Office provides information for companies and organizations interested in producing and requesting essential protective gear for Angelenos during COVID-19.
- https://laprotects.org/
PPE Suppliers
- LaLaLand
- The Reformation
- Denline
- Reusable gowns
- https://www.denlineuniforms.com/#
- CovCare
- Jake Juels
- jakej@cov.care
- https://www.cov.care/